Monday, May 17, 2010

And Again I Say Rejoice

By Joy

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice (Philippians 4:4). God has been weaving this verse into my daily life the past few days, and I absolutely am catching His drift. It seems most of us women in these groups are struggling, and I am in no way insinuating my struggles are greater than those of someone else. Mine pale in comparison to the real struggles that some of my dear friends are having. With my constant prayers being wanting to start a family and wanting to keep my job, God has been reminding me that I am to rejoice in Him no matter what. As Francis Chan stated in Crazy Love, God commanded this twice in the same sentence, just in case we didn't get it the first time. No matter what. Even when the pregnancy test comes back negative again. Even when I have to sub in a scary school with scary kids. I get to praise Him again and again. My life is not about me, even though I certainly act like it is, and I have the honor to exalt Him in all that I do and all that He does. It is a paradigm shift for many of us. Instead of pouting about all that is wrong, praise what is right. Praise the trials. Praise the pain and struggle because we know that God is pruning us to grow more than ever before. I don't know if God will give us our child right now the way we want. But I do know that He has put this passion and desire on my heart, and I do know that He will fulfill His promise. And I rejoice in that.


  1. Great reminder, Joy. We all can get trapped into a lack of praise and thanksgiving. But a truly loving heart that God calls us to must be one that is steeped in praise.

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart so beautifully.

  2. Amen...and amen! Thanks Joy, I'm always encouraged by your thoughts!!
