"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11Zeal is not a word we use much in our present-day language. The definition for zeal is: "fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor." Desire is "a strong want;" diligence is "never stopping till you get the object of your desire."
Fervor is another unusual word. It means: "Intense heat."
So according to this verse, we are never to stop diligently pursuing the desire of our heart (the Father) and to maintain a spiritually intense heat in the process of serving our Lord.
In our instant gratification, short-term society, we have a really hard time with long-term commitments. Often we become tired or bored and take our eyes off the goal. If it takes too long to get to the goal, it just doesn't seem to be worth it. Too many other things in our life can be achieved quickly and with less effort..... But those things are empty and worthless.
Serving the Lord -- done with passion for Him and accomplished through His strength -- is the only worthwhile thing we will ever do on this earth. The Master has called us to fight and work and serve and love. Are we going to get tired? Yes. Are there going to be disappointments along the way? Yes. But our goal is not in this life, but the next. We must press on and fight the good fight.
Then Paul uses verses 12-21 to tell us just how to serve the Lord. We serve Him through joy, patience, prayer. We help the needy. We treat our enemies different than the world. We laugh with the happy, and cry with those who are sad. We keep the peace. We live and love in humility.
So march on with zeal and fervor. Never back down from your calling -- a servant of the Almighty!